Sunday, September 6, 2020

Online Church

 With me being home with my parents, I've been watching the online worship services that my home church is doing. The church started to do online worship services the first Sunday every thing started to close on March 13 of this year. They started out with a bit of bad quality but that's to be expected, the average age of the church before this was fairly old, so it would make since that they weren't ready for it at the beginning. They have been learning but it's still sometimes iffy on the streaming technology front, some of my family, including me, could help them with the technology but we don't want to because we know that it's a bit of a time consuming task and it's not going to be perfect either way so we don't want part of the blame for issues. Also we know that saying yes to helping is going to make us be the reference for other similar tasks for a long time following that.

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