Monday, September 7, 2020

Response to Pandemic and Trusting info

I typically turn to find information about covid at least for Kentucky's response from Governor Andy Beshear and the updates he gives 4 times a week now. I trust the team that do those updates that the Governor gives and for the most part the WHO, I don't really trust the white House because they are handling this horridly and dismantled the response team that could have been helpful and saved a bunch of lives. The white house team besides Dr. Fouci have given contradicting statements about it as well as not following their own guidance that they give.

I think I might know some people that are following the silly maybe faulty information given by the White House that also goes against what has been done here in Kentucky. I'm sad when I see people walking without their mask on because they are the reason that quarantine is lasting as long as it is and helping to cause the almost 1,000 deaths that has been reported in Kentucky so far in this pandemic.

I probably would say that it's the politicizing this pandemic and the responses that could be the most dangerous for people in the US especially those in Kentucky since we're a swing state that typically has the cities tend to be more liberal while the rural areas are more conservative.

This video is of me walking one of my dogs with my mom walking the other but wasn't shown in the video because they were behind me and the dog has some balance issues. I was around the church that was across the street from where I am residing. This one is a female American Staffordshire terrier mix named Selma.

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