Showing posts with label Andy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andy. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Games, school and Andy

 This photo was taken during Governor Andy Beshear's address that he gave to the residents and citizens of Kentucky having to announce that Kentucky has to report that we now have over 1,000 covid related deaths here in the commonwealth. I found that the address he gave was really emotional and sincere about having to mourn and remember those that we've lost around the world but also here in the commonwealth.  

With people showing their support to those who have lost people during this pandemic with green lights, we wanted to show our support as well but we had an issue because the lights on our front porch is out and use old bulbs that hardly get made anymore. So something that we thought to do was to make cranes for every Kentucky death related to covid since the start of the pandemic when KY first got a related covid death. My family has done our best to keep up with the numbers reported to us by Governor Andy Beshear.
I'm doing my best adjusting to taking all online classes and trying my best to keep up with my work since i'm not in classes or in a dorm to keep track of myself more easily. The one thing I'm hoping to not do again is to not do my online homework for my calculus class because that hurt last semester especially after the switch to online.
 I spent Wednesday of last week having to take a Calculus 3 test. We were asked to join a zoom meeting to be on as we take the test. While I get why they're doing it, I found it a bit annoying because I had to have my camera on while taking the test, and it was slightly uncomfortable for me. Part of the reason I didn't like it that much is that the camera on my laptop seems to be bad. If I have my camera on, I would be cast in darkness even if I had the sunlight and an overhead light on in the room. O

So there's a game that has recently gotten big even though it was released around 2 years ago. I had asked some of my family on Friday if they wanted to play it, and we got a lobby and played few games. We got on a zoom meeting so we can talk just not through the game chat. Before we actually started we tried to discuss which platform (zoom or discord) was the best option to talk through when we had the ability.  On Saturday, I spent a little bit of time to play 2 games with my parents and grandparents, of the game called Among Us. I made a discord server for us to do it on because I'd thought that that would be the best way, partly because I was watching some people stream the game and that was how they were doing it. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Social Media stuff

I've been watching this group of acapella called home free and they've done a song called Quarantine. This group has been doing some releases of music videos of songs while the members are filming their own part at their own part of the country and has been doing social distancing in the videos. I also like another song that they did was Everybody Walking this Land. You can tell by the videos that they have to adjust to doing things in their own homes, and do their best to record their own part and combine all of the videos to blend nicely.

There's a Facebook group that I became a part of, towards the start of this pandemic. The group is like a support group for some people in Kentucky, but there's some people in the group that are there even though they aren't from here or currently live here. The group is called Andy Beshear memes for social distancing teens. They started the group to show support for Andy and the decisions he has had to make during this time. The page has a bunch of great memes that have come out of the semi-daily press conferences.

there's another youtuber that is French and gives her reactions to things as well as to inform about some of the misconceptions about the French. She has also done a few vlogs lately to show some of France, mainly the countryside. In this video she talks about what's it has been like and some of the restrictions and some of the loosening that has happened at the time of the video was posted, which was about 2 months ago.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Food and Andy's Address to Kentucky

I think that my family has gone out and do takeout from restaurants a bit more now than before because of convenience. So our diet didn't really change that much but it probably got a little bit worse for myself at least. We have done some things that we make ourselves at the house. It seems that at the beginning we were a bit more active because we were walking our dogs a bit around town, but then the walks been getting shorter because one of the dogs started to have problems walking. So the distance has become a bit less, and now we partly just let them out around the front yard and then sit and watch objects pass by us for a bit until the mosquitoes get to be too much then we go inside. 

My parents work hasn't really changed much because one works for papa johns and volunteer at another place but they closed down, the other works for the state. My mom is still doing for the food place as a delivery driver and my dad has been working at home.

This photo was taken during Governor Andy Beshear's address that he gave to the residents and citizens of Kentucky having to announce that Kentucky has to report that we now have over 1,000 covid related deaths here in the commonwealth. I found that the address he gave was really emotional and sincere about having to mourn and remember those that we've lost around the world but also here in the commonwealth.  

Monday, September 7, 2020

Response to Pandemic and Trusting info

I typically turn to find information about covid at least for Kentucky's response from Governor Andy Beshear and the updates he gives 4 times a week now. I trust the team that do those updates that the Governor gives and for the most part the WHO, I don't really trust the white House because they are handling this horridly and dismantled the response team that could have been helpful and saved a bunch of lives. The white house team besides Dr. Fouci have given contradicting statements about it as well as not following their own guidance that they give.

I think I might know some people that are following the silly maybe faulty information given by the White House that also goes against what has been done here in Kentucky. I'm sad when I see people walking without their mask on because they are the reason that quarantine is lasting as long as it is and helping to cause the almost 1,000 deaths that has been reported in Kentucky so far in this pandemic.

I probably would say that it's the politicizing this pandemic and the responses that could be the most dangerous for people in the US especially those in Kentucky since we're a swing state that typically has the cities tend to be more liberal while the rural areas are more conservative.

This video is of me walking one of my dogs with my mom walking the other but wasn't shown in the video because they were behind me and the dog has some balance issues. I was around the church that was across the street from where I am residing. This one is a female American Staffordshire terrier mix named Selma.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Andy and class adjustments

 This is me watching the update that Kentucky's governor is doing. The rest of my family wasn't able to watch that day because they had to work and can't get off in time. My father works from home but he is typically somewhere else working. After I hear the numbers, I get out the papers we need to make the cranes and then give him about half of the ones that need to be made for that day.

My family also really likes the ASL interpreter, Virginia, partly because we think that it's fairly cool, as well as we a bit of experience in signing a bit. We really enjoyed it when they had the daily learning of a word or phase in ASL from either Virginia, Rachel, or Rachel(I don't know how they spell their name).

I'm doing my best adjusting to taking all online classes and trying my best to keep up with my work since i'm not in classes or in a dorm to keep track of myself more easily. The one thing I'm hoping to not do again is to not do my online homework for my calculus class because that hurt last semester especially after the switch to online.

economic and political impact of a vaccine

If one of the major powerhouses of the US, Russia, or China get an effective vaccine with the others lagging behind in that aspect, I would ...